Tarot is a form of divination that has been used by mystics and tarot readers across the world since ancient times. Tarot is a pictorial system, with a divine message. It helps us to utilise the cosmic energies, and the energies around us to find answers to what we are looking for. We cannot change our destiny, but we can refocus and redirect the paths of our life. With guidance we can bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to a situation. There are lots of factors we cannot change but a lot of factors influencing our lives can be controlled. Tarot card readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we have, to overcome these obstacles. Here’s looking at this week’s July 31 – August 6, 2023, horoscope.

The universe is vast – it includes the earth and everything else that exists, the celestial bodies, meteoroids, galaxies, and several other things. The energies of the cosmos have different effects on each person. Everything that exists has energy, and each person has his own energy that the clairvoyant utilises. All these energies along with their own help find solutions and give guidance to the querent. The practitioner of cartomancy has the foresight to see your darkest secrets and sense your fears and provides you with a direction to overcome your shortcomings to achieve your goals. The 78 cards Rider Waite Deck have complex and mysterious graphics on them. Each illustration symbolises creativity, passion, intellect, work, and money and can foretell your past, present, and future. Tarot reading raises our awareness and enlightens our perspective. Let’s see what the cosmic energies have to foretell for this week – July 31 – August 6, 2023.

The movement in the universe is constant hence the energies are changing every moment. Each zodiac sign is different affected by these changing energies. The full moon on 2 August is a good day to manifest blessings and enjoy the offerings by the cosmos this month.

Horoscope 2023: Weekly prediction for July 31 – August 6

Aries weekly horoscope
Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Page of Wands indicates a good time professionally. You will be beaming with new creative ideas. Try to streamline and move ahead step by step. Businesspeople are likely to expand and increase their work. Finances will be good. Some extra source of income might start for you this week.


Knight of Cups Reversed is the health card indicating lack of physical activity. The solution is simple. Just chalk out an exercise regime for yourself.


Five of Wands is the relationship card indicating some conflict in your relationship. The earlier it is sorted, the better it will be for you and your mate. Singles might be vying for attention from their love interest, and natives in love might feel neglected.

Taurus weekly horoscope
Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

The Emperor Reversed indicates that from a top performer you have slipped down to being a mediocre one. Pull up your socks as this might be due to lack of concentration and focus. Your potential has not decreased but the attention has. Finances are good but you need a professional to guide regarding your money and investments.


Eight of Cups indicates your preoccupation to certain things that is causing your health to suffer. More than anything else you need self-care. Exercising will not only benefit your health but also take your mind off your problems.


Four of Pentacles Reversed is your relationship card indicating that you should not discuss your problems with your loved ones as this might create unnecessary rifts. Singles and natives in love should be open and frank in their relationship.

Gemini weekly horoscope
Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Eight of Wands indicates some work-related travel which is likely to get you good financial gains. Your week will be action packed but satisfying and you are likely to achieve a lot be it in job or business. Financially you will be doing well but the expenses will skyrocket.


Page of Wands indicates lack of physical activity. You need to just start a healthy exercising regime.


Ace of Pentacles Reversed indicates you and your partner are not giving enough time and attention to the relationship. This can also mean some financial issues are causing stress in the relationship. For singles, this might indicate delay in finding someone and natives in love might not be very satisfied with their mates.

Cancer weekly horoscope
Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Knight of Swords Reversed indicates you are moving very fast. You need to organise properly and concentrate not only on the quantity of work but the quality. The advice is to slow down a bit.


Queen of pentacles reversed is the health card indicating some weight related problems and it can also indicate fertility issues. Eating healthy, a peaceful mind and adequate rest and exercise are the solutions.


Lovers Reversed is the relationship card indicating a very good sex life but neglect and mistrust among partners. You need to work towards being more loving and caring. Singles need to be honest, and if you are interested in a casual relationship be honest about that too.

Leo weekly horoscope
Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Nine of Swords indicates some anxiety and stress relating to your profession. You might need to bring some changes in the way you work. Businesspeople are likely to change their line of work or make new additions in the existing work. Finance might be in a disorganised state causing stress. You need to just reshape and restructure your work and finance.


King of Pentacles Reversed indicates obsession with symptoms. You need to relax and not overreact to small issues. Get a health check up done if it gives you solace.


Lovers is the relationship card indicating harmony among couples. You have a strong bonding and extremely satisfying bed pleasures are indicated. This card can also indicate fertility and reproduction.

Virgo weekly horoscope
Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Seven of Swords indicates struggle at work. You will be under immense pressure to complete the pending chores. Finances will be average, but you need to be extremely cautious against fraud and treachery.


Four of Wands indicates good health and wellness. This is a good card to get if you are recuperating.


Ace of Cups Reversed indicates you will be overemotional and reactive and are advised to keep your emotions under control. The best way is to find exciting means to keep yourself occupied. For singles, it may mean you are not free from your past relationships and are struggling in the new ones. Give yourself time and the same is the advice for natives in love.

Libra weekly horoscope
Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Ten of Wands indicates a lot of work pressure, and you might be finding it difficult to cope. Do not overstretch all the time and fix limits for yourself. Businesspeople will be struggling to meet deadlines. Financially, it will be an average month. You will be struggling to save money and controlling the expenses.


Eight of Pentacles indicates good health, but you will require effort and hard work to maintain your well being. Plan and follow healthy goals for self-care.


Two of Cups Reversed shows strife among partners. What seem 9 to you is 6 to your partner, therefore, do not nit-pick and if something really bothers you about your mate communicate and discuss openly.

Scorpio weekly horoscope
Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

The Star foretells excellent opportunities at work. Whatever you have been waiting for will precipitate this week and you will enjoy it all – name, fame, and money. It is a good time to invest your money.


Four of Cups Reversed indicates some health issues which might make you feel lethargic and exhausted. Sometimes, the transits cause health discomforts which cannot be helped. Accept them gracefully and focus on what you can do like following a healthy regime.


Page of Pentacles indicates a bad relationship but is indicative of something that is amiss in your association with your mate. Break the routine. Do interesting things together and pay more attention to the physical needs of your partner.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope
Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Four of Swords indicates it is time to relieve yourself of overwork. Work is not everything. There is much more to life than just work.


The Emperor is the health card indicating stability in health but a warning that you need to focus on your health besides work and devote time towards self-care.


Six of Cups Reversed indicates you are living more in past than in the present. Resolve and overcome all past issues and make the best of the present. It can also mean an old flame re-entering your life. Married couples need to be cautious, and singles need to be sure of their feelings.

Capricorn weekly horoscope
Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Page of Cups for Capricorn sign natives indicate big dreams. To dream big is good but your targets should be realistic. Although this card indicates good professional success and even a promotion. Financially, it will be a good week, but you need to appreciate the rewards rather than want more.


King of Swords Reversed indicates lack of energy. You need to be focused on your health and work towards improving it. A good exercise and healthy eating schedule should revitalise and rejuvenate you.


Five of Wands Reversed indicates some communication gap among partners. Couples need to express themselves openly and frankly and find an amicable solution. Do not try to sort out things on your own. Involve your partners as it takes two to tango.

Aquarius weekly horoscope
Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

The Hanged Man indicates uncertainty at work. Things are not going the way you had planned but certain things are not in your control. Let things take their course and in the meantime concentrate on other aspects. Financial delays and unexpected expenses might upset your budget.


Eight of Cups Reversed is the health card indicating neglect towards your health. Work consciously towards eliminating habits that are derogatory to your well-being. Work towards lessening the stress.


Justice indicates your sacrifice, love and care will come back with interest and give you satisfaction. If you have been unjust or dishonest, you will not be treated affectionately, and your dishonesty is likely to be exposed.

Pisces weekly horoscope
Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance

Knight of Pentacles denotes dedication and commitment towards profession. You will require lots of hard work and dedication to reach your goals and you are prepared for it. Financially, this will be a good week. You need to be careful about your finances and the documents.


The Tower is the health card indicating you need to be careful regarding your health. A sudden illness or an accident is a possibility this week. Look after your mental health and pregnant women should be overcautious.


Magician Reversed indicates you need to be more honest and communicative with your partner. Do not let your partner manipulate you in any way. Avoid arguments and conflicts.

(Main and feature image credit: Cottonbro Studios/Pexels)

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia India

written by.

Deepa Kochhar

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.
August Weekly Horoscope: Tarot Predictions For July 31 – August 6, 2023